

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Size matters

It's funny how things creep up on you over the years.  When we first moved over to Holland it was a real shock how small everything was - the cars, the roads, the houses, the food portions - just about everything.  It took quite some effort to adapt.  But over time you just get used to it and it becomes your normal day-to-day reality.  That's why I was bit caught off guard on the last trip back to America - everything seemed so freakin' big!   Funny what a few years will do!

This refrigerator, professionally modeled by my sister-in-law Jen, could be a small apartment in Holland.  Ok, that's a bit exaggerated, but only a bit.

And this "appetizer"?  C'mon, are you kidding me?   Did I mention how much smaller the waist sizes are over here?

1 comment:

carolyn bloom said...

wow, i know im skipping the point of your post - but just have to say jen looks stunning! (still)