

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Den Haag

We took a little day trip down to Den Haag (The Hague) last weekend to enjoy the spring weather. We spent most of the time in the city parks and surrounding Wandelparks because we took Sage along, but we also got a chance to walk into the main square and get a quick feel for the city. While the people seemed to lack the warmth of The Dutch that we’re used to here in North Holland, the city was beautiful and we’ve already decided to go back for a more in depth visit.

Haagsebos - This enormous park in the middle of the city was great for walking.

Country Estates - We quickly found out that this now public forest park was once for the private estates and hunting grounds of Dutch royalty/elite.

The 13th century Binnenhof is the seat of the Dutch government. It is beautifully situated in the heart of the city.

A different perspective on the same building shows the ultra-modern sky scrapers that are springing up around the central train station. This intermingling of old and new is classic Dutch.

Sage in the city. She was able to tune out the trolley and focus really, really hard on the pigeons that had just landed in front of us.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys...just dropping by to say 'hi'.

New kitchen looks great. Unfortunately, we won't be able to see it in person this summer, as we're not coming to Europe due to my class schedule. Maybe next summer.

Drop us a line if you're planning to tour mid-America in the near future - there's always a room for you guys here.

-David and Renee

Dan said...

Hey guys - bummer that you aren't going to make it over this year. We'll let you know next time that we're in the mid-western states. Hope all is well!
