It's Hamster Weken (Hamster Soak) month at our local grocer...what the hell does that mean?!?!? Do I really want to buy that new special sausage on sale in the deli case? And why is this hamster flipping me off in all the advertisments?
"Ja, ja, ja. Spike is a dirty old bastard!"

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Hamster Weken Revealed!
I spoke with a guy this morning who pointed out my error in translation and explained this saying to me.
Weken means "Soak" in Dutch.
Week means "Week" in Dutch.
The plural of Week is "Weken" in Dutch.
Sooooo....this really reads Hamster Weeks. Additionaly, they use "Hamster" as a verb in this context...by saying "Hamstering"...which means hoarding away things for winter.
Sooooo...the sale at Albert Heijn grocery store of "Hamster Weken" means that they are promoting stocking up for winter.
Now ya know....and that dirty old bastard Spike didn't have anything to do with it.
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