Ancient gates of Haarlem.
The city had a large series of motes, canals, and rivers that protected it from attack and controlled the flow of commerce (taxes). This is the only surviving gate that allowed people and goods through the defenses. It looks kind of odd now because the mote that it sits on is pretty much filled in and no longer functioning....but the gate is still really cool!

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We stumbled upon the Dutch "Monument Days" this past weekend. This is always the second weekend in September and they open up all of their museums, monuments, and historic buildings for people to tour through...for free!
We saw some great buildings. Very neat architecture. Meg - we got through an old windmill! It was a windy day and the mill was CRANKING!!! The sound was incredible. The old timbers creaked and groaned as the complex set of gears was put into action. Very cool!
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