

Monday, September 14, 2009


A friend of ours has a family vacation home right on the coast in West Cork, Ireland and has been offering for us to stay there for a few years now. So when Sue and Tom suggested meeting up somewhere in Europe for a fall holiday, we finally took Jonathan up on his offer. The weather was perfect and the scenery was spectacular. Here are a few pictures from the trip, with a special thanks to Jonathan, John, and Mary!

The beautiful cottage in Union Hall that we called home for the week.

We had a great time on the sunny terrace in the mornings or exploring the local hidden coves…

…and crawling on the seaside rocks to check out the tidal pools.

There was plenty of hiking with incredible mountaintop views...

...and loads of cool, forgotten ruins around every corner.

You can almost imagine the sharks circling below these cliffs, waiting for one of these sheep to fall. Mmmm….mutton, lekker.

The trail into Mizen Head with the rusty bridge-o-death as Beth called it.

This ancient Celtic stone circle was amazing. I wonder what curse she is conjuring up for me now!

The original port of Baltimore.

There were loads of authentic Irish pubs with great music in the evenings. This was our local hangout just down the street from the cottage.

But I thought this was a great one in Dingle. An Irish pub with a German beer garden -- the real Glasstetter heritage -- my grandfathers would be proud!

Isn't she a sweetheart? I’m sure that I never said anything to provoke such a reaction.

Which one of these kids is thinking, ”I keep feeling like I’m forgetting something…”

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