We’ve been having some brilliant fall weather this week, so I saddled up the bike, strapped on my camera and went for a nice ride out into the dunes.
It wasn’t a hard ride today, but more of a slow meandering cruise. It was quiet and peaceful and crisp, so when I happened along this small memorial, I decided to stop and sit for a while. It isn’t the first cold granite marker that I’ve seen while wandering among the dunes - unfortunately, they are almost common along this part of the coast. The inscription on this one is short and simple. A brief slogan about freedom, then nothing more than a date and the number of dead.
1945. 9 Bodies.
The memorial doesn’t say who the people were or why they were killed. Dutch Resistance Fighters? Jews? Gypsies? Gays? In some respects, it really doesn’t matter.
As I sat, I replayed in my head any one of the grainy black and white films that could have captured the events that led to these memorials being placed here. We’ve all seen these films, it doesn’t matter which era, or war, or conflict, or police action that they are from. They are all abstract footage that we quickly and simply label as ‘terrible’ or ‘horrific’, then we move on.
But today, I sat in the grass on the edge of this small depression and allowed myself to think about what happened here and what is happening somewhere else in the world today. For a brief minute, it actually felt real to me.
Funny how that can happen - if you let it.
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