

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


A quick update now that the major construction has started - the past week has been spent on some of the details which will be important after the dust settles.  This is the fun stuff!

I loved building this massive bonfire with 8' flames to clear brush from the site.  I haven't had this much fun with fire since those summer evenings in Darlington when we'd build them like this after a day playing softball.

We used just about every piece of equipment available to get this log out of the woods.  It'll be the post for the main business sign.

I hope it lives up to the image in my head...

I've also been building an information board which will show the trail maps and rules/regs of the glampground.   Oh yea, and I've been building more freakin' picnic tables.  I can put these things together in my sleep!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A quickening pace

After so many months of very little visible progress on the glamping project, the activity has now picked up significantly.  In fact, it's moving along at a blistering pace!  I've got contractors stumbling over each other and heavy equipment that is using the new road on the same day that it is being completed....not that I'm complaining.  It's about time!  The bad news is that all of the big checks are going to be due at the same time.   Here are some pics from the last 5 days...yes, 5 days!  THAT's what I'm talking about!

Waiting for delivery on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. "It'll only take an hour."

The glamping huts have arrived!

The glamping huts promptly get buried axle deep in the mud!

The customer tows out the glamping huts...and works 6 hours unloading material!  I paid for this privilege?
The construction crew knocking out the huts.

Meanwhile, my excavator was realigning the entrance...

...and resetting the gate.
I've been keeping busy as well.  Here, looking for the perfect natural post for the glamping sign.

I've also been building loads of furniture.
Two days later, three huts are up!

The road is finished and the bath house pad is graded.  Construction on that building starts next week!

Tuesday, July 02, 2013


All that work for this little permit..
It's hard to believe that we embarked on this little sabbatical almost three months ago.  I began the permitting process almost immediately upon landing in America and thought that I'd be much further along in the project by now.  But, after much stress and a few less hairs (yes, I had a few left when I started), I finally picked up the building permit today!!!!!  Now if the freakin' rain would just stop....

Blazing the road

The finished loop connection - drainage ditch yet to come.

Entrance to glamping site - Uzes.  Construction starts next week!