

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Size matters

It's funny how things creep up on you over the years.  When we first moved over to Holland it was a real shock how small everything was - the cars, the roads, the houses, the food portions - just about everything.  It took quite some effort to adapt.  But over time you just get used to it and it becomes your normal day-to-day reality.  That's why I was bit caught off guard on the last trip back to America - everything seemed so freakin' big!   Funny what a few years will do!

This refrigerator, professionally modeled by my sister-in-law Jen, could be a small apartment in Holland.  Ok, that's a bit exaggerated, but only a bit.

And this "appetizer"?  C'mon, are you kidding me?   Did I mention how much smaller the waist sizes are over here?

Monday, March 05, 2012


Jonathan and Sandra have finally made it official and tied the knot!  This was our kind of wedding - small, intimate party boat, with great food, endless drink and dogs welcome!  I also think I found a new cure for jet lag - I got off the plane from Philly, slept for two hours, then got up and started drinking champaign at the wedding.  Congratulations both...and thanks for a great afternoon!

Beth with the groom... 

...and the bride.

George at the ceremony...

...and getting a walk before the boat.