Trier is a bustling little market town with an interesting Roman history. The streets were crowded with shoppers, with the ancient Roman gates in the background.
Porta Nigra (The Black Gate - 200 AD)
This part of Germany is all about wine. The hillsides were covered with highly improbable vineyards. Some of the hills were so steep that there were little cog train lifts to service the vines.
The third largest baths in the Roman empire are in Trier - it was an important city on a very hostile edge of the empire.
So important in fact, that emperor Constantine spent much time here (probably planning his actions that would lead to the eventual fall of the empire - IMHO). This massive, yet innocuous looking building is his original throne room - once part of a vast complex.
This part of Germany is all about wine. The hillsides were covered with highly improbable vineyards. Some of the hills were so steep that there were little cog train lifts to service the vines.
We then took a nice drive up the Mosel river to discover many class German villages and hundreds of vineyards.
And finally, a little video of the market for my mom...including cheesy animatrons...gotta love the goats at the end. Merry Christmas everyone!