We spent the weekend in Brussels and did a day trip out to Brugge. Brussels was pretty nice...in my mind it was "just another big city", but there were a few highlights. The new EU parliment building was very impressive and the war museum was the best I've ever seen...although they did not have a Stuka...bummer.
Brugge was outstanding. It's a fully intact medevial town loaded with canals and cool nooks and crannies to explore. It's been a UNESCO world heritage site since 2000. Beth and I have hit a few places on the world heritage list now and have been very impressed. I think we'll start using it as a basis for future travels.
However, rather than just post pictures of monuments, museums and Euro scenery we thought you'd enjoy this little compilation. The first one is the world famous Mannekin Pis statue in Brussels....a bit cliche, but we thought that the Christmas outfit was hilarious. We missed them loading the fountain with beer by a week...a once annual event where the boy pee's beer.
The second picture is again from Brussels. Jesus Paradise Cafe - Peace, Love & Food Cocktail Bar. Now there is a religion I can deal with....only they ought to move it to Amsterdam and convert it to a coffeeshop!
Finally, some serious news upon our return to Haarlem. Mac, the little one year old beagle that was Sage's best friend in Zannenpark was killed by a car on Friday evening. It happened at the same park and at our usual 7:00 pm meeting time. Several dogs were playing in the hedgerow and Mac spotted something across the street. He bolted in front of a car before anyone noticed. Inclusief ga mogen u rust in vrede.